Monday, August 20, 2012

Marketplace Issues

Well this is a new one.

A customer contacted me while I was asleep, to let me know that she still hadn't received the item she had purchased some weeks back. When I got up this morning and received her offline IM, I naturally popped open the marketplace transaction history, and plugged in her name.

There was the transaction right there..

Now, I dunno, maybe I'm more suspicious in the mornings, but as I was mashing my mouse button down on the "Redeliver Item" link, I decided to go look up August 5, 2012 in my L$ transaction history. And that's where things got interesting.

A search of that day's transactions found no record whatsoever of the purchase, meaning that the marketplace said I got paid for an item, and I didn't.

This kind of thing just can't happen, can it? there must be some weird "Commerce Linden" payment around that time, right? So I check the names of the sale before, and after this one, and try and find those in my transaction history.. and I find another one missing! This time for 500L$.

So I contacted Linden Lab's support, and they were somewhat helpful. They confirmed (by looking at the customer's account) that they had not been charged for the purchase. I'll be putting in a support ticket for the Marketplace, to let them know this is (was?) occurring. And in the future, I'll be cross-referencing marketplace transaction records against my actual transaction history for that day, before redelivering an item.

Unfortunately, this also means that I won't be able to re-deliver marketplace purchases older than 30 days. Which frustrates me.. but.. the only alternative would be to TRY and remember to save off transaction history reports every 30 days.. and with my memory, taking pills in the morning is hard enough, and that's every day!
Edit: Curiouser and Curiouser.. looks like the customer DID pay for the item , but on 8/20, NOT on 8/5. So I've got a transaction record on the marketplace that shows totally the wrong date.. that's very interesting.. and even more difficult to try and work around.

Second Edit: The OrderIDs match between today's L$ record, and August 5th's Sale record, but the ItemID's don't match. So I'm not sure what that means specifically.

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