Sunday, January 13, 2013

Side roads

I've taken a break from the big bad black box project. It was running me into the ground emotionally, and I was well past needing a break.

I spent a bit of time involved in a little light RP with my Mistress, which seems to have somewhat run its course already. Then I got back into playing a bit with my child-av alt.. some fun times there, she just got a kitten!

All of that aside, I did get into a slightly different building project, thinking that if it was "just building" maybe it would be more centering. I've had a rough emotional time over the last couple of months. The Holidays really did me in emotionally, and coming out of that has been slow. Unfortunately, that side project, which I originally anticipated would take just a day or two, is quickly snowballing into a month-long project.


Unfortunately, the idea is too good to abandon or postpone.. so there we are.

I'll keep working on this side project (which sadly, I can't post about just yet) until it's finished, and hopefully it won't require as much time as it feels like it will.

At least what I'm doing is somewhat enjoyable.

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