Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Pipeline

A while back, when the Jouet Doll avatar was still new, I was aware that the writing was on the wall.

I had to get some time to dedicate to sitting down and working on that locking script. It was holding up too many projects, keeping me firmly in the 'screwing around trying to make things that didn't need locks' zone.

Around that time, the idea had come up to create some new skins for Jouet, and in the process I found I'd unintentionally created 9 new products. As I sat there mechanically repeating the task of making appliers for prim boobs, I realized I could also be making similar applier sets for my catsuits.

I started stacking up boxes on the ground as I filled them, 9, 10, 22, 34... and then standing back, admiring the grand pile of boxes at my feet, I realized that if I released these a few at a time, I'd have weeks or months of new items to release.. and would have some time free to work on that scripting project.

Well, the best laid plans and all that, I ended up screwing around with new projects instead. Working on a house design, developing yet another product (Ares), and another (IconTalk) and mostly experimenting. I also fell into a bit of an emotional slump at the time, and that's why the releases were a bit.. let's just say.. uneven.

Well as you know, I've spent the last week or so, solidly working on the long-lost Lock script. And as it reached a truly feature-complete stage today, I looked again at the pile of boxes I'd queued for release, particularly those that hadn't been released yet.

And as I sat there today looking at the pile, I thought.. why not? Why not pick them all up, and try and release them this weekend?

I've got 12 sets of "boob appliers" for eCorp, vString, Lolas Tango/Mirage, and Mused.. to match my 12 latex catsuits, and 12 sets of "more appliers" to bring those catsuits to Slink hands and feet, the SMD Baby Bump, and the Phat Azz too.

In addition, I'm bringing the power of Megapacks to these items as well, with a Megapack of the Boob Appliers, the 'More Appliers', and even a megapack of all 12 catsuits. Each megapack uses the "4 free" pricing model, so you get 12 for the price of 8.

Today I spent a great deal of time completing the vendor art for the boxes that didn't have them yet, and retouched a couple that had minor errors. (incorrect permissions on one, the wrong title on another). And once that was done, I loaded up some vendors with the new items, and began loading the items into my marketplace store. Once all 27 listings were created, I copied the URLs into the vendors I'd set up.

Tomorrow, I'll spend a bit more time loading all the items into the affiliate networks. Eagle-eyed affiliates may notice the items showing up here and there as I work.

My hope is that sometime on Friday, I'd like to release all of these items... and flush out the backlog of 'ready to ship' items, so I can get back to work creating new things without them having to wait til the pipeline is clear.

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