88 products.
It doesn't seem like all that many. But multiply the time to set up one product in a vendor system, times 88, and in quickly becomes a lot of time. Adding the amount of time it takes to set up a vendor profile.. multiplying that times 88 again, then add the amount of time it takes to set up a vendor, and multiply that times 88, or more likely 114, and you start to see how this becomes a big project.
Unfortunately, life within and without the virtual world, doesn't stop just because I'm working on vendors. People want to IM and chat, customers have issues that need resolving, and personal drama always seems to reach it's highest levels of urgency whenever there's work to be done.
Last night, I managed to get about 75% of the products 'defined' within the caspervend system. Which item to deliver, what permissions were available, product name, which image to display, and what price to charge. This morning, the rest. As I started defining the product groups ("G rated avatars and accessories" for example) I discovered a bug in the system that made customizing the product order within a group.. tedious and fragile. Requireing me to come back and check the order half a dozen times to make sure my changes had stuck properly.
That, thankfully is done now, and I'm on to defining the profiles that will actually determine what's in a vendor, or isn't. I've run into a small snag or two, with the items that exist in both "adult" and "pg" branches (the Jouet Doll, the Robot and Latex SoundFX, the Plateau Ankle Boots, etc.) Things that would appeal to people in adult venues, that aren't necessarily adult in nature. Unfortunately when the "Adult Avatars" and "PG Avatars" groups get added to the same profile, those items that appear in both groups, appear twice in the vendor. It only affects about 6 items, so it's not a huge big deal, but it was a bit confusing at first.
At this point, the next step is to make a few more profiles, and then check to see if I can make a single-item vendor without using a profile to do it. I'd rather not be forced to make 88 individual profiles for one product each.. that would mean more 'click click select, click click enter' kind of tedium.
We'll see how it goes, and I'll keep you posted.
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